
Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

5. Adverb

Tugas English Business 2 #
Nama         : Sugiarti // : Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 #
Kelas         : 4KB03
NPM         : 26110715

Explanation :


1.  -à a word that adds information about place, time, manner,  cause or degree of a verb, an adjective, a phrase , or another adverb.
e.g        : my mother and her brother always go to the unforgettable place in their mother land once a month
            : my friend and I bought some books at ITC Depok two days ago.

2.  -à a word that refers to a verb
e.g        :  I walk in slowly in the narrow street
            : The students that study to count the number continuously.

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