
Senin, 04 November 2013

Unforgettable Moment

Tulisan English Business 1 #

Nama         : Sugiarti // : Tulisan Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1 #
Kelas         : 4KB03
NPM         : 26110715

 I am sure that every person has an unforgettable moment which can’t loss from their mind. Something the thing that can make me feel happy or even speechless to tell to others. So for this time I would like to share my experience where I spent my time to do something different.
In that time I went to Karawang to visit and make good relation in one of my friend’s house. At the first, I didn’t want to join with all my friends, but when they forced me to join with them, I consider to go to Karawang with them. Actually, to catch there we need more than an hour, about one half hour until two hours. First of all, we start from Kampung Rambutan shelter, in there my friends waited for me, because my hose is far from there. After we find the buss which could drive us up and we had a sit, there are two sides, the left side with two sits from front of the buss until back, while in the right side there are three sits passengers.
As far as our trip, there were people that slept and some of them also ate everything that they brought. I and my girl friends that sat beside me ate in the almost time we need. When we through to free way, there were some views that catch our eyes, yup the village views it can make us boring to enjoy with our trip. 
At 11.00 p.m we arrived in my friend’s house and in fact the owners had served for our lunch, didn’t waste our time, all of us got the lunch and eat together. Running the time, we did all of things that listed in the run down time. Face that time I felt anxiety and convius because I felt something wrong. Actually, that was a surprise to me, I thought that it was unpredictable moment. They forced me to stay there because at the first I wanted to go back earlier. Suddenly, a nice clock appeared between them with the purple covered. There are some photos of me, the middle big photos is all my friends and me of which there are some photos of me with a wreid face and style Yeaahh they still remembers my birthday. It as a present from them, all my best friends prepared it for me. “what’s a surprise” I felt more than happy and speechless, but from my deepest heart I want to say that all of you are the best created. You always make me smile and laugh, nothing likes you and the best thing for you all.

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